Sep 28, 2010

Picking the Perfect Christmas Movie

We all know that when you've spent one or more days in the bosom of your family, you may just be in need of a small break, after all that eating, singing and playing games. How about the perfect family Christmas Movie Marathon?
However, how do you pick a movie that will suit all tastes? My own family is a rag tag bunch of single middle aged men, aka my divorced brothers, angry teens, small children, thanks to a sudden desire to have just one more that my sister had, my mom, who really only likes things if they were scripted by Jane Austen and my step dad, who doesn't like anything that isn't related to the second world war.
So how to find a way out of this dilemma? Is there a movie out there that will play to everyone's tune? Or at the very least won't have them complaining from start to finish?
Well, there are a few ways to go with this:
Firstly, there's the tried and true Classic. In my case, I always have The Sound of Music at the ready. It has everything, from the second world war to singing and dancing and talking goats! Add a bit of romance and it's such a classic even my mom can't object.
Secondly, a kid's movie that (almost) all grown ups love: I would suggest Harry Potter. One of the earlier ones if you have small children that are easily scared, a later one, for instance Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, if your kids can handle a bit of evil magic!
Thirdly: a funny Christmas movie. I would suggest Groundhog Day, as I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like that movie!
Lastly: a recent Christmas movie. For instance this year's Nutcracker 3D. It's got everything, from Christmas Trees to evil rats (I'll tell my step dad they were inspired by Nazi Germany). It's old enough (1920's Vienna) for my mom to like it, spectacular enough for even the most sullen teen and not too scary for little ones. I hope. Maybe check out the movie trailersin advance to see whether your kids would be okay with it. That's always a smart move, because some kiddie films these days can be pretty darn scary!

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