Brand new in June of 2010, there are a huge new range of AV receivers on the market that make it so easy to be getting 3D sound from your home receiver. Some of these entry and mid range level home cinema receivers are labeled with the Apple "works with iPhone" badge, meaning that they seamlessly integrate with your iPod touch or your iPhone. For example, Yamaha have decided that by quipping all models VSX-520-K/5 onwards with 3D HDMI 1.4 technology, all of the new receivers will be able to produce High Definition 3D connectivity for the Blu-ray systems.
We truly are entering an age where technology is superseding our demands and at a much faster pace that ever before. Many companies and economists are predicting that 3D television and 3D home Cinema are the way of the future, with millions of homes expected to be into the new technology within the next 5 years. Therefore is makes sense to be focused on getting 3D sound from your home cinema receiver, because sooner or later, this type of platform will be the standard.
You always know when things are starting to heat up. All you have to do is look at the market and see what the major players are doing. If we research a little of the Home Cinema market we see that Yamaha, Onkyo, Sony, Pioneer, and others are already busy establishing their mark in the 3D sector, making sure that you as a consumer can be getting 3D sound from your home cinema receiver, as and when you decide to incorporate the technology into your home entertainment package. Taking the surround sound affect one step further, 3D sound puts you in a position where you can experience your movie as if you were right there in the scene.
We all know and understand that 3D was first bought to our attention on the big screen, and it had basically stayed there, until recently that is. We now have Sony setting up training camps for movie producers, so they can be versed in all things 3D. This means of course that we will start to see many more movies coming out on DVD and Blu-ray, that are 3D, and some will provide both 2D and 3D formats. Because of this, and the fact that it will eventually become mainstream to be watching 3D DVD's, it makes perfect sense to be learning how getting 3D sound from your home cinema receiver, could be the greatest move you have made when it comes to your in-home entertainment.
It is important to note that no matter what you have heard to date, there is nothing that really compares to a great 3D sound experience in the home. Even understanding that having this technology at our fingertips, encourages us to spend more time indoors, it is a pleasure to be able to unwind after a hard day's work, in intimate surroundings, not watching, but experiencing a fantastic film and amazing 3D soundtrack.
For options in learning more about choosing your high end audio receiver, you should visit this site.
Dwight Anthony is a Home Theater fan and all things electronic. If you would like to learn more about getting the most out of your 3D Home Theater Sound, make sure to pay a visit to this Audio resource online. Article Source: |
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